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ZINASU Press Release - Students take Government HEAD ON

ZINASU Press Release Students take Government HEAD ON

- Demand a new and people driven constitution now. Struggle is our birthright and we shall continue defending academic freedoms in Zimbabwe Aluta Continua; Victoria Acerta Little by little, freedom will come For and on behalf of the students in Zimbabwe Promise Mkwananzi President Gideon Chitanga Vice President Beloved Chiweshe Secretary General -- Zimbabwe National Students Union21 Wembly Road, Eastlea, Harare, Zimbabwe,0026391301231/ 002634788135zinasu@gmail.com ZINASU held an urgent NEC meeting today. It was noted that the government has failed to uphold the Universal Declaration on Human Rights chapter 26 (1) which clearly stipulates that 'everyone has a right to education'. The fees being charged in all the colleges in Zimbabwe are a clear insult on our parents; most of them are poor peasant farmers and civil servants who are leaving way below the poverty datum line. The government of the day is determined to see that there is no future for Zimbabwe. Dear Zimbabweans, we are the future. The government is in unbridled violation of the UNESCO stipulation that the government must allocate 26% of the national budget to the education sector. The pertinent review of data from the research conducted by ZINASU reveals that more than 31.5% students has since dropped out of college since 10 February 2006 when the government introduced the new evil fee structure. Mindful of the above, ZINASU N.E.C resolutions are as follows,
- Demand an immediate reversal of the fees hike, and giving the government up to 13 February 2007.
- Rallying around the clarion call of Save our Education; Save our Future Campaign, ZINASU shall embark on an indefinite class boycott from 14 February 2007.
- The students will vote for the presidential elections in 2008 and not 2010.
- We support the industrial action by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe, Doctors and Nurses though are hearts are with the suffering patients. Ø We are going to hold the government responsible for
- ZINASU to form a separate union for medical students targeting the medical students, student nurses and paramedics students.

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Takk for støtten på semesteravgiften!

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Vintersamling 2025

Den beste helgen i februar nærmer seg – SAIHs vintersamling 2025! Vintersamling er en ypperlig måte å bli bedre kjent med organisasjonen på gjennom en god blanding av kreative workshops, interessante diskusjoner, aktivisme og morsomme aktiviteter. Ikke minst blir du kjent med andre engasjerte mennesker fra hele Norge og verden!

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