Våre rapporter
SAIH publiserer regelmessig grundige rapporter basert på temaene vi engasjerer oss i. Her finner du de nyeste rapportene.
Activism Under Attack (2024)

Activism Under Attack (2023)

Students by day, rebels by night (2021)

Criminalization and violation of students` human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean (2020)

Un/knowing & un/doing sexuality & gender diversity (2020)

En introduksjon til avkolonisering av akademia (2020)

An Excluding Consensus (2019)

Radi-Aid Research (2018)

Universities between the state and the market (2018)

Besieged Universities (2017)

Fred i sikte (2016)

The Radiator Report (2015)

Acting With Impunity (2015)

Ta først, spørre etterpå (2014)

Student i krisetid (2013)

The Language of the Police Batons (2011)