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Work with students' rights in South Africa

The Students and Academics International Assistance Fund (SAIH) is now recruiting two new exchange participants. Through the exchange you will have the opportunity to work with SAIH’s partner organization Equal Education in South Africa. The overall thematic focus of the exchange will be equitable higher education and academic freedom.

Application deadline: April 7th Interviews will be carried out during April.

Through this youth exchange you will have the role as a full-time volunteer working with Equal Education. The exchange will start with a 2 weeks introduction course in Oslo in August, then you will travel to South Africa for 10 months. When you return to Norway you will spend 8 weeks working part-time with knowledge-sharing and communication work. SAIH is looking for two persons between the age of 22– 35 with interest in the field of higher education and academic freedom.

At Equal Education (EE) you will be working on:

Supporting EE’s research work on access to equitable education. This includes producing research into specified element of the South African education system, highlighting current shortcomings whilst detailing potential solutions Support EE’s fundraising efforts by assisting with writing funding and donor. Proposals. Support EE’s organising work - provide research support and general support to member EE meetings and campaign activities Coordination of organisational activities and events - logistical and organisational support for EE public events, whether at national or provincial level Contribute into the development of the new cooperation project Student Activist Academy together with participants and staff from Zimbabwe, Norway and Zambia.

The participants will be expected to have some or all of the following experience:

from working in the development sector/in youth organizations research, writing and editing experience policy analysis writing reports facilitating workshops and meetings campaign and advocacy work Communication and presentation skills

Education: Completed bachelor degree within a relevant area. Relevant experience can compensate for incomplete bachelor degree.

Personal qualities:

strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact with people from different cultures and contexts flexible and open to change curious likes to work in a team and be flexible to work in different departments ability to take on new challenges and to adapt to a new environment

SAIH will cover costs related to the preparation course and home coming seminar. SAIH will also cover flight tickets to and from Cape Town, accommodation costs and a limited allowance when abroad. Insurance will also be covered for the whole period. Allowance and travel costs connected to the 8 weeks information work in Norway will also be covered.

For more information contact program advisor and exchange coordinator Hege Ottesen on email: hege.ottesen@saih.no.

Send CV and motivation letter (in English) by April 7th to stilling@saih.no

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