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Vacant position: Program advisor Latin America

a woman wearing a hat and a scarf is holding a flag .a woman wearing a hat and a scarf is holding a flag .

Programme advisor Latin America

( 50% position, 1-year engagement with possibility of getting extended) 

One of SAIH’s programme advisors who works with Latin America is going on 50%leave and we are looking for a brilliant person who can fill this positionfor the coming year, and possibly beyond.

SAIH is one of the few solidarity and aid organizations internationally with a clear focus on higher education and academic freedom. With us, you get exciting challenges in a strong professional environment that works with decolonization perspectives in everything we do. 

We are therefore looking for a person who feel at home in a partnership model that is based on reciprocity, dialogue, power transfer, and local anchoring. Our partners are grassroots organizations, human rights networks, and civil society organizations, higher education institutions, intercultural universities, and research institutes that all operate in complex and varied contexts (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Myanmar, Colombia, Bolivia, Nicaragua). We work closely with our partners to achieve common goals in academic areas such as academic freedom, rights for indigenous people, Afro-descendants, and LGBTQIA+ people, and fair access to higher education. 

As a program advisor, you become part of a program department of nine people and report to the department manager. Values such as solidarity, inclusion, and co-determination form the basis of our work culture. 

• Partner follow-up and cooperation on the management of aid funds.
• Result and learning work. 
• Further development of decolonization in the partnership cooperation. 
• Other tasks may also be added to the position. 
• The position involves travel. 

• Relevant higher education. 
• Experience from work in or with Colombia, Bolivia, or Nicaragua. Applicants with a thorough knowledge of Latin America as a region will also be considered. 
• Good knowledge of higher education and aid work, and preferably other academic focus areas SAIH has. 
• Practical work experience with the management of aid funds, including result development, learning, and financial management. 
• Has knowledge of and reflections on how decolonization issues are relevant to the role. 
• Ability to communicate results and complex topics in an understandable and interesting (and preferably creative) way. 
• Functions well in writing and orally in English and Spanish. 
• Norwegian is an advantage, but not a requirement. 
• Independent, initiative-rich, and flexible 
• Good collaboration skills and abilities for cross-cultural communication. 
• Can work effectively in hectic periods. 



• A committed and socially engaged working environment in pleasant, newly refurbished premises at Grønland in the center of Oslo. 

• Good opportunities for personal and professional development. 

• Placement in the state's salary range 53-62 and a salary range up to salary 70. Tariff agreement. 

• Flexible working hours, allowance for exercise and the possibility to exercise during working hours. 

• Additional holidays during Christmas and Easter. 

• Public service pension in KLP. 

• SAIH is certified as a Great Place to Work. 


If you have questions about the position, contact the Head of the Programmes Department, Kjersti Jahnsen Mowé on phone 46 81 41 77 or email: info@saih.no

Send your CV and a motivation letter (maximum one page) to info@saih.no

Application deadline: August 12th 


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