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Tshepiso Pheme (20)

(image) I have always wanted to study psychology. I strayed away from it for a while after high school, but during my gap-year I realised it was still what I wanted to do. One of the reasons I wanted to study this is because I have always enjoyed talking to and helping my friends, and many of them come to me if they need to talk about something. I don’t want to say that I want to make the world a better place, but I want to at least help where I can. I particularly like working with children.

I am a bit nervous about the future. I can’t imagine myself in it, and it is scary to wish for something when you don’t know what the future will be like. But I do have dreams – I want to work with clinical psychology somewhere in South Africa.

I went to the Centre for the Study of Aids training course because a friend advised me to, and initially I planned to just do the course to learn more. During the course, however, I got inspired to use this knowledge to reach out to others. I work with children in the community outreach program, and I also work with the education and awareness group which works to inform students on campus about hiv/aids. As a student of psychology it is necessary to have practical experience before completing honours, which is an extra year of specialisation after you finish the degree, something I discovered after I had already started working with the CSA.

The main challenge for South African students today is to find a job; some are overqualified, other drop out of university and can’t find jobs because of this.

Nyheter som engasjerer i kampen for utdanningsrettferdighet

a man holding a flag that says union on ita man holding a flag that says union on it


El Activismo Bajo Ataque

¡Este año celebramos el décimo aniversario del programa Estudiantes en Riesgo (StAR)!

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a woman is holding a sign that says `` do only the rich deserve education '' at a protest .a woman is holding a sign that says `` do only the rich deserve education '' at a protest .


Ja til internasjonale studenter, nei til meningsløs pengeflytting

Regjeringen bruker bistandsmillioner som kunne gitt verdens fattige utdanning, på å dekke studieavgifter i Norge de selv har innført.

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a group of people are standing in a line with their hands in the air .a group of people are standing in a line with their hands in the air .


Regjeringen må øke støtten til menneskerettigheter – ikke kutte den

Mens demokrati og rettigheter er på tilbakegang verden over, foreslår regjeringen å kutte i støtten til sivilsamfunns- og menneskerettighets-organisasjoner.

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a woman in a suit and white shirt is standing in front of a white wall .a woman in a suit and white shirt is standing in front of a white wall .


SAIH kaller statsbudsjettet et svik

Sterkt kritisk til at regjeringen fortsetter å kutte i utdanningsbistanden

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a man in a denim jacket is standing in front of a crowd of people .a man in a denim jacket is standing in front of a crowd of people .


10-årsjubileet for Students at Risk-programmet

I år markerer vi 10 år med beskyttelse av studentaktivister i Norge gjennom Student at Risk (StAR)-programmet.

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a woman is holding a megaphone in her hand and a man is holding a fist in the air .a woman is holding a megaphone in her hand and a man is holding a fist in the air .


Still til valg i SAIH!

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En person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjonEn person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjon
En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon