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The Student Organisation in the Democracy Democracy in the Student Organisation

The agenda for the conference is still under development but themes to be addressed at the conference will include, but are not limited to:

The student organisations as channels for influencing national democratic structures

Public relations – creating and maintaining popular support Lobbying towards local and national governments How to influence the democratic structures of the institutions of higher learning

The student organisations as democratic tools

How to build strong student democracies, nationally and locally How to gather and manage the common students’ wishes and interests How to ensure student participation in the student organisations and within the institutions of higher learning How to ensure equal access to participation for all, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation or handicaps. Solidarity building across borders - How can student organisations work together across borders to make a greater impact

SAIH would like to present a program which is relevant for the participants hence we are dependent on input from different stakeholders to make the program as interesting as possible. If you have ideas or input on topics, speakers, or links to relevant articles to be included, please contact us: sigrun.espe@saih.no / +47 21 06 34 76.

The conference will be held in English, and translations to Spanish will be provided. SAIH hopes to invite about 20 international guests, mainly presently elected members of national student unions from the countries in which SAIH has partners, namely South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Nicaragua and Bolivia. We are also inviting students from Western Sahara and Colombia. There will of course also be representatives from the student unions in Norway, both national and local, as well as representatives from SAIH’s local chapters. The conference will be open to students in Norway with an interest in the topic and to other stakeholders.

Nyheter som engasjerer i kampen for utdanningsrettferdighet

Fire ungdommer sitter på en gresskledd slette. Fire ungdommer sitter på en gresskledd slette.


Takk for støtten på semesteravgiften!

Husk å betale støtten til SAIH på semesteravgifta. Den gjør nemlig verden til et litt bedre sted.

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a large group of people are posing for a picture .a large group of people are posing for a picture .


Vintersamling 2025

Den beste helgen i februar nærmer seg – SAIHs vintersamling 2025! Vintersamling er en ypperlig måte å bli bedre kjent med organisasjonen på gjennom en god blanding av kreative workshops, interessante diskusjoner, aktivisme og morsomme aktiviteter. Ikke minst blir du kjent med andre engasjerte mennesker fra hele Norge og verden!

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a fist is holding a pencil in front of a flag .a fist is holding a pencil in front of a flag .


Støtt akademikere og studenter i Gaza

Innsamlingsaksjon for akademikere og studenter i Gaza.

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a globe is sitting on a stand on a white background .a globe is sitting on a stand on a white background .


Spennende mulighet: 'Youth Exchange Against Anti-Rights'

SAIH søker nyutdannede og unge fagfolk til å delta i det internasjonale utvekslingsprosjektet ‘Youth Exchange Against Anti-Rights’. Prosjektet innebærer et ettårig utvekslingsprogram mellom Sør-Afrika, Myanmar/Thailand og Norge, hvor deltakerne skal forske på rettighetskrenkende krefter som påvirker marginaliserte grupper, og bidra til påvirkningsarbeid for å motvirke disse kreftene.

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the white house is surrounded by trees and bushes and has a fountain in front of it .the white house is surrounded by trees and bushes and has a fountain in front of it .


Når autoritære ledere lokker

SAIH frykter at fremveksten av autoritære ledere de siste årene, og en eventuell ny valgseier for Trump, betyr at demokratienes gullalder er forbi.

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a group of people are standing in a line holding sticks and ribbons .a group of people are standing in a line holding sticks and ribbons .


Hva står på spill på COP16 i Colombia?

Koblingen mellom naturvern og urfolks rettsvern er åpenbar og direkte. Urfolks kulturelle overlevelse avhenger av naturmangfoldet der de bor.

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En person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjonEn person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjon
En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon