Speach on education in Burma
Presentation at Oslo University College on March 5th from 6pm!
SAIH-Bislet invites you to meet two representatives for Charm Tong from Burma, the winner of the Student Peace Prize in 2007. Despite her young age, Charm Tong has established and is running a school that provides education for youth to have a more active role in the struggle for democracy, human rights and gender equality.
What influence does her work have for the situation in Burma? Several of her students have become human rights advocates and journalists, who are documenting what is going on inside of Burma.
Welcome to a presentation and discussion about schools in a depressed conflict area! For more information on Charm Tongs work se: http://www.studentpeaceprize.org/2008/pdf/Charm_Tong.pdf
The presentation will be held in English, and it will take place at Oslo University College in Athene 1, Pilestredet 46 (the main entrance). Wednesday the 5th of March, 6pm-7.30pm. Welcome!
Foredrag: Kampen for utdanning i Burma
Tid: Onsdag 5. mars kl. 18.00-19.30
Sted: Høgskolen i Oslo. Athene 1, Pilestredet 46.
SAIH-Bislet ønsker velkommen!