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SAIH invites consultants to conduct an impact evaluation

SAIH is a non-governmental organisation led by students and academics in Norway. It was established in 1961 and runs a combination of development cooperation, information work and advocacy work. SAIH’s vision is that all young people have access to quality education that enables them to create a just world. Currently SAIH collaborates with partner organisations and institutions in Bolivia, Nicaragua, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe

SAIH has been engaged in development support in South Africa since 1972. The support has been channelled through civil society organisations and universities within a range of thematic areas like education, scholarships, health, democratization, conflict resolution, student organising, HIV/SRHR, youth and violence and women’s rights.

The evaluation will assess the current SAIH programme Education to strengthen Women’s Social and Political Participation in South-Africa. The programme consists of three partner organisations, Agisanang Domestic Abuse Prevention and Training (Adapt), Curriculum Development Project Trust (CDP) and the One in Nine Campaign (1in9) and it’s funded through FOKUS (Forum for Women and Development). SAIH has been collaborating with these three partners since 2006 and the current programme has been running since 2009. The purpose of the program is to educate young women to enable their political and social participation for the realisation of their own rights. The program is working for young women to know their rights, to understand the social and political context for claiming their rights and to actively use their knowledge to achieve social justice in their own and other women’s lives.


The purpose of the evaluation is to provide SAIH, the partner organisations and FOKUS an assessment of the extent to which the objectives of the program and the individual projects have been achieved. The evaluation will further provide information on the way forward for the programme and the projects.

Timeline and evaluation team

The evaluation process is expected to take five to six weeks and will consist of review of documents, field visits including observation and interviews with participants, staff and relevant stakeholders, and to carry out an independent analysis of the data gathered and writing of a report. The report must be completed and presented by mid June 2012.

The evaluation team must have a strong female representation, and at least one member must come from South Africa or have profound knowledge of South Africa. Not more than one member of the team can be from the Global North. Ethnic representation in regard to the South African context will be emphasised. The team must have experience and knowledge of areas like GBV, SRHR, movement building, education and youth leadership, especially in the context of South Africa. The team should further be experienced in developmental evaluation processes, participatory methods and base their work on feminist principles. At least one of the team members should have knowledge of either isiZulu or seSotho.

The evaluation report should be a source of learning for the South African organisations, SAIH and Fokus, and the team should have experience with this type of communication.

Interested persons can contact SAIH or One in Nine Campaign to get the Terms of Reference for the assignment.

Deadline for submitting a bid is April 2nd 2012.

Contact information:

Kjersti Augland, Programme Advisor Southern Africa, SAIH

phone (+47) 21 06 34 78/70 or kjersti@saih.no

Carrie Shelver, National Coordinator, One in Nine Campaign

Phone (+27) 11 024 51 85 or carrie.shelver@gmail.com

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