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SAIH invites consultant(s) to conduct an evaluation of a programme in Zambia

SAIH invites consultant/consultants to conduct a progress evaluation of a programme in Zambia consisting of three projects. Application deadline to submit bid for the assignment is 28th August 2011.

SAIH (Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund) is a development and solidarity organisation run by students and academics in Norway. SAIH’s objective is to contribute in such a manner that as many people as possible may obtain an education on their own terms and that marginalised groups get to influence their own situation and their society. SAIH cooperates with local organisations and educational institutions in Latin America and Southern Africa under the slogan «Education for Liberation». In Norway, SAIH does information work and lobbying about global education (North-South issues) and Norwegian development policies. The UN declaration of Human rights constitutes the foundation of the work. SAIH is an independent organisation with no affiliation to any political party.

SAIH has been engaged in educational and health development projects in Zambia since 2003. In the current period of NORAD funding, SAIH cooperates and financially supports several Zambian civil society organisations working on youth’s political and social participation, within the thematic areas: education, Gender, SRHR and leadership training.

The evaluation will assess one of current two programmes in the country: “Education for Young women’s participation in Zambia”. The program to be evaluated started up in 2009 with funding from NORAD. The main focus for the assignment will be a process evaluation of this programme. The evaluation process is expected to take five to six weeks and will consist of review of documents, field visits including observation and focus group interviews with project participants and staff and to carry out an independent analysis of the data gathered and writing a report. The final report must be completed and presented in writing in English no later than 29th October 2011.

The evaluation team should be compose of person(s) with experiences in carrying out reviews and evaluations of development projects, programmes and organisations including strong focus on participatory methods. There should be one team leader. The team should have good understanding of issues that youths in Zambia are facing and which are of importance to them. Specific knowledge regarding sexual and reproductive rights, women and equality and political and social participation will be a requirement.

Knowledge of Norwegian, and local languages is an advantage.

Interested persons can contact SAIH to get the Terms of Reference for the assignment. The deadline for submitting a bid is the 28th August 2011.

Contact information:

Program Advisor SAIH: Hermund Tvilde: Hermund.tvilde@saih.no Phone: (+47) 21 06 34 70

Executive Director Youth Vision Zambia: Amos Mwale amosza@gmail.com or amos@yvz.org.zm : Off (+260) 211 233 616 (Mob) (+260) 97 77752 66

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