Resolution from SAIH's Annual Assembly 2007
(image) Foto: Democratic Voice of Burma The situation for students in Burma, Colombia, Zimbabwe and Western Sahara has in 2007 been very difficult. Although the conflicts in these countries receive international attention now and then, they are unfortunately soon forgotten. SAIH supports these students’ struggle for democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, and the right to education.
Students in Norway are following the situation for the students in these countries closely, and cooperate with them in order to secure their freedom of organization and speech.
SAIH thinks that Norway should acknowledge and actively support students in their fight for human rights, democracy, freedom of speech, the right to education and organization.
You will find attached a resolution that was passed at SAIH’s Annual Assembly in October 2007. The resolution has been sent to Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs at the Norwegian Parliament, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.