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Police Impound Zinasu Petitions, Seize Money

Police seized 45 000 petitions, with 1715655 signatures from eight (Zinasu) Zimbabwe National Students' Union executive members among them Gedion Chitanga , Vice President , Beloved Chiweshe Secretary general, Melward Makwenjera Secretary for Legal Affairs , Terrance Chimhavi , George Makoni , Cleto Manjovha ,Farirai Magezi, Lawrence Mashungu, arrested on Friday 08 September. Police further impounded 17776 more copies with 675 141 signitures in Mutare , in the process desrupting a ZINASU general council meeting by arresting 70 student leaders from 42 represented colleges , including the president Promise Mukwananzi. The petitions,signed by student and parents were supposed to be handed over to the two ministers of education on the 14th of September, to highlight the plight of students and school pupils and the extent of the education crisis in Zimbabwe. The police also siezed money meant for busfares for students in attendents and copies of rough notes.

The students leaders have affirmed their commitment to continue with the process. They further deplored police heavy handedness, after they were interogated for more than ten hours and detained for more than 35 hours. They were also concerned with the looming health disaster in holding cells. There wasn't running water or blankets. Detainees sleep on filthy cold floors,infested with different types lice.There was barely any food leaving the overcrowded detainees starving.

It was shocking to note that of the hundreds of arrested people, many were vendors and foreign currency dealers detained with their infants,evidently pointing to the extent of the deterioration of the Zimbabwean economy.

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