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Nominations for the Rusty Radiator Awards 2015 are now open!

For the past two years, SAIH has through our campaign Africa for Norway arranged the Rusty Radiator Awards, where we award the best and the worst fundraiser video throughout the year with the Golden and Rusty Radiator Awards.

The Radiator Awards this year will be bigger and better than ever, and the awards ceremony itself will be around mid-November. We've decided to use more energy and resources on this, and make the Radiator Awards 2015 the best one yet! As with the past two years, a very competent international jury consisting of experts, academics and artists from countries from both the North and the South will pick the top three videos for each award, which will be put up for a popular vote at www.rustyradiator.com.

However, we need your help in finding the best videos. In order to make the campaign reach even further this year, we want videos from all over the world. Perhaps you saw a stereotype-dripping fundraiser video last Christmas, or a really good one during the Easter Holidays?

The video must have been published after September 2014.

Nominate them by sending us your favourites at info@saih.no now!

While there are many ways to be nominated for both the awards, here are some general descriptions of the last winners:

A Golden Radiator nominee is creative and innovative. It lets people tell their own stories, and focuses on their capability and will to improve their lives and societies. A Golden Radiator video doesn't belittle or oversimplify, nor does it buy into on the us and them narrative. Check out the winner of the Golden Radiator Award 2014!

A Rusty Radiator nominee is the complete opposite. Past years nominees have included pure poverty porn, misunderstood creativity and oversimplifying videos portraying children as suffering victims waiting to be "rescued" by donations. One organisation has the dubious honour of being in the running for the Rusty Radiator Award twice, winning it in 2013. A recurring theme is portraying Western donors as saviours, helping the poor, passive recipients of their money, and Western celebrities talking on behalf of the people they want to help. Check out the winner of the Rusty Radiator Award 2014!

Which fundraiser video will be awarded with the Golden and Rusty Radiator Awards 2015? It's up to you! Nominate your favourites now!

Nominate them by sending us your favourites at info@saih.no

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