The FemHub was initiated by the Zimbabwean activist, Patience Malunga. Working with female students issues in Zimbabwe, Patience came up with an idea of a global platform where female students can work together towards common goals: empowering women and combating common issues such as sexual harassment and abuse on campus, and the glass-ceiling situation that hinders women to get high positions in academia. Today the working group consists of female students from Zimbabwe, Kenya, Denmark and Norway, and they are welcoming more to join.
"We believe that sharing experiences, challenges and achievements, can function as an informal education of female students. The long-term goal is to be a significant global interest group, improving the conditions of women in learning institutions. Quality education matters for all, and we cannot ignore the unique set of challenges exclusive to female students," says Patience. Launch party On March 30, FemHub is launching their initiative through a brand new Facebook page. The page seeks to gather stories from female students across the globe, and to highlight the structural difficulties as well as their achievements, for inspiration.
At the launch, FemHub has invited Nora Mehsen to present her award winning research thesis on sexualized violence in the Congo, and two female students from Kenya and Norway, to share their perspectives on the issue. The official program will end with some beautiful tunes from singer/songwriter Ann Therese Kildal and South African Jazz artist Zwai Mbula. Read more about the event on Facebook and join the movement!
Contact the FEMHUB on femalestudentshub@gmail.com.
Related article: Interview with Patience Malunga in Universitas: «Må ligge seg til ståkarakter».