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There are various ways we would like you to contribute:

1. What is your opinion of how the South is portrayed in the North? To what extent do you believe that this portrayal matters to the people of the South? Do you think SAIH’s arguments are valid?

2. Who is “to blame” for this image? The media, aid organizations, academia, all of them or none? How can people in the South best contribute to this change, and what is the responsibility of people in the North?

3. How would you say that students and/or academics act as agents of change in your local community/country? 4. Would you like to be next weeks agent of change? Send us your picture, and tell us a brief presentation with your name, age, what you study, why you study and your dreams for the future.

5. What do you think matters the most for students in Norway? What do you think they fight for? What do students in the South learn about the North during their studies?Feel free to contact our campaign coordinator Kamilla Stølen on kamilla.stolen@saih.no with your opinions on these or other questions!

Nyheter som engasjerer i kampen for utdanningsrettferdighet

a woman is holding a sign that says `` do only the rich deserve education '' at a protest .a woman is holding a sign that says `` do only the rich deserve education '' at a protest .


Ja til internasjonale studenter, nei til meningsløs pengeflytting

Regjeringen bruker bistandsmillioner som kunne gitt verdens fattige utdanning, på å dekke studieavgifter i Norge de selv har innført.

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a group of people are standing in a line with their hands in the air .a group of people are standing in a line with their hands in the air .


Regjeringen må øke støtten til menneskerettigheter – ikke kutte den

Mens demokrati og rettigheter er på tilbakegang verden over, foreslår regjeringen å kutte i støtten til sivilsamfunns- og menneskerettighets-organisasjoner.

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a woman in a suit and white shirt is standing in front of a white wall .a woman in a suit and white shirt is standing in front of a white wall .


SAIH kaller statsbudsjettet et svik

Sterkt kritisk til at regjeringen fortsetter å kutte i utdanningsbistanden

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a man in a denim jacket is standing in front of a crowd of people .a man in a denim jacket is standing in front of a crowd of people .


Strøm Student at Risk 10-års markering

I år markerer vi 10 år med beskyttelse av studentaktivister i Norge gjennom Student at Risk (StAR)-programmet.

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a woman is holding a megaphone in her hand and a man is holding a fist in the air .a woman is holding a megaphone in her hand and a man is holding a fist in the air .


Still til valg i SAIH!

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a woman in a graduation cap and gown is standing in front of a crowd of graduates .a woman in a graduation cap and gown is standing in front of a crowd of graduates .


Startskuddet går for globalt universitetsinitiativ for flyktninger

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En person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjonEn person med munnbind og solbriller. Basert på bakgrunnen skjønner vi at denne personen deltar i en demostrasjon
En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon