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Consultants for evaluation of development programmes

The assignment can be carried out as one assignment or be split into two different assignments. Terms of References has been developed separately for the two programmes: 1) Academic Freedom and 2) SRHR and Higher Education.


SAIH has budget for costs of 300.000 NOK, approximately 34 000 USD, for the evaluation of the Academic Freedom program (which includes Colombia), and 250 000 NOK for the evaluation of the SRHR and Higher Education program. The estimate includes, travel costs, per diem, VAT in addition to the consultation fees.

​ ​The application should contain:

Profile of the consultant with traceable references and copies of/links to previous writing and published materials.Professional fee quotation indicating envisaged actions, the requested fee for the work in the job description.Letter of interest.A layout and a breakdown of how the consultants understand and plan carry out the assignment.

Report Specification

For the Academic Freedom program both the draft and the final report should be written in English and Spanish. The evaluation report on the SRHR and Higher Education will be written in English only.

Purpose of the evaluation of SRHR and Higher Education

For partners:

Document the results of the projects since the inceptionRecommend ways to strengthen the projects’ sustainability


Document the results for the two program periods, for result reporting to our back donor NoradInform SAIHs new program period

Purpose of the evaluation of Academic Freedom

The evaluation will provide a structured presentation of the partner’s achievements contributing towards the program goal, using the program indicators as tool. The evaluation will inform the development of the next program cycle, and give recommendations to the development of suitable objectives, achievable results and measureable indicators.

​ Assignment team

The evaluation team should be composed of person(s) with experiences in carrying out reviews and evaluations of international development.The team should have in depth understanding of the political context and education sector in the Southern African region.Experience with SRHR is an important asset.Knowledge of civil society, particularly universities and human rights organizations in the region is an asset. None of the team members can have a stake in the outcome of the evaluation.

For the evaluation of the program Academic Freedom the assignment team should be able to use both English and Spanish as working language. None of the team members can have a stake in the outcome of the evaluation.

​ Proposed timeline

Assignment preparations and delivery of inception report on March 10. Field visits should be carried out in April. Approximately 27 working days should be spent in the field.

A draft report should be submitted to SAIH on April 24. Partners and SAIH should be able to comment on the draft before the final report is ready by May 5. Presentation of the findings should be held for SAIH and partners upon completion.

Bids sumbission contact

Please send a proposal for undertaking the task with detailed profiles and professional fee quotation to Kari Lindemann (kari.lindemann@saih.no) and Aurora Nereid (aurora.nereid@saih.no) in SAIH by March 6, 2017.

Terms of reference

Click here to download terms of reference on Academic Freedom programme.Click here to download Terms of Reference on SRHR and Higher Ecuation programme. 

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En person som prater inn i en megafonEn person som prater inn i en megafon