Bursting the bubble of bliss
How the two dollar challenge was a welcomed reminder.

«Be angry, writes Stèphane Hessel, make a riot, speak out! It is easier said than done. Because I feel no anger, not even indignation. I know I should, when the emergencies are listed, when I read about Gaza, but I cannot feel it, I am numb." Vigdis Hjorth, "Bli sint" translated from Norwegian
Most of us are aware that there are major differences in the world, and that we are very privileged for living in Norway. However, in our daily lives, far too often we turn the blind eye. We donate a small amount to charity each month, and say to ourselves that we have done well, we have done our part. But have we really? Is it enough?
We do not end poverty simply by doing an act of goodness, we cannot "save" the poor by donating 10 $ a month. Poverty is created and maintained by global, unjust structures. It is only by breaking down these structures that a just world can be created. Why doesn't this political unwillingness provoke us, why are we not angry? Because it is much easier not to think of it.
Living in Norway with only two dollars a day, we definitely felt that our choices were extremely limited. Usually we don't think that much about money. Having little changed that. During these few days money became the number one issue throughout our day; how much have we spent so far, how much do we have left for dinner, is this a good bargain or not? We made this the right opportunity to try out dumpster diving for the first time. To be honest- we couldn't find a thing. The good news is- we signed up for a group with experts on this alternative form of dining. In the future, your waste might end up on our dinner table(!).
Maybe the most important result of the two dollar challenge, was the interesting debates and new ideas it sparked, within the group but also with our friends, family and colleagues. Challenges related to poverty and consumerism were the top talking points that week. We believe that this is where real change can start- through critical debate and new perspectives, society can move forward.
Living in Norway, we definitely need to be reminded of what is outside our bubble of bliss. Reminded that the way we live our lives, and the choices we make, create ripple effects far beyond ourselves. The two dollar challenge acted like such a reminder. By spreading knowledge and changing attitudes, hopefully in the long run, we will see a major structural change in the way our world is organized.