SAIH commissions a consultant for an evaluation in Nicaragua

SAIH started its engagement in the Atlantic Region of Nicaragua in 1980. For SAIH, the programme in Nicaragua is part of a long history, and among the biggest in terms of financial aid. SAIH is commissioning a consultant for an evaluation of the work in the region.
SAIH expects results on impact level to be found as a result of the long-term engagement in the education sector in the Atlantic region of Nicaragua, and wants to document these results on a programme level. SAIH has no immediate plans for ending the engagement, however, we want an independent opinion on the sustainability of the organizations, and advise for future action to strengthen sustainability.
The evaluation also can give SAIH and the partners advise for improvement and further programme development.
Scope of the evaluation
Former evaluations have been on a partner and project level. In this evaluation, we want to look at SAIH's long-term engagement in the region on a program level. The following aspects are important:
Evaluate the impact of SAIH's long-term, rights based engagement in the region.
We suggest to measure success primarily against SAIH's Programme Goals (impact-outcome) and long term strategies (Solidarity Strategy 2012-2017, Education for Development Strategy 2009-2011).
Evaluate the quality of partnership and collaboration in this specific case. Communication, reciprocity, including what has been the added value in Norway through collaboration between Nicaraguan institutions and organizations and SAIH and Norwegian educational institutions.Evaluate the sustainability of the results and of the partner organizations, and how can sustainability be secured.Identify areas of improvement for SAIH's further programme development SAIH in Nicaragua.
Draft report should be finished by 1. September 2015, to be commented upon by SAIH. Final report should be finalized by 15. Sept 2015.
SAIH has budget for costs of 300.000 NOK, approximately 40.500 USD, for the total evaluation. Estimate includes travel costs, per diem and hotel costs and VAT.
Bids submission Contact
Please send a proposal for undertaking the task to in SAIH by 1. April 2015.
The application should contain:
Profile of the consultant with traceable references and copies of/links to previous writing and published materials.A layout and a breakdown of how the consultants understand and plan carry out the assignment.Professional fee quotation indicating envisaged actions, the requested fee for the work in the job description.Letter of interest.
See more details in the Terms of Reference document - click here.