Who we are
The Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund (SAIH) is a solidarity organization, by and for students and academics. We have worked for over 60 years to promote higher education and academic freedom as a human right.
Together with volunteers, member organisations and local partner organisations in seven countries, we fight for everyone to have access to inclusive and quality higher education.

Our values
Academic freedom
Democratic participation
Human rights
SAIH is dedicated to creating a world where everyone has the chance to shape their own future and the society they live in - through education. We believe that quality higher education is the key to building more just and inclusive communities, serving as the ultimate driving force to realize the UNs Sustainable Development Goals.

students contribute
Every year, 160,000 students choose to give NOK 20-50 in addition to their semester fee to SAIH. Together, they are raising more than NOK 11 million for the fight for higher education and academic freedom internationally.
For us, solidarity means standing together, and the SAIH tenners are a concrete example of this. We show solidarity with students and academics around the world who do not have the same rights and benefits as us.
SAIH is a democratic membership organization consisting of 44 organizations, all with ties to higher education in Norway.
See all our members
Universitetet i Oslo
Norsk Studentorganisasjon
Studenttinget ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Studentorganisasjonen Nord
Oslo Met – Storbyuniversitetet

SAIH is a politically independent organization – but we are not politically neutral. We work every day in line with our values to push through policies that matter to our members.