Stories from our work
Inclusive education for LGBTQIA+ people

SAIH advocates for equal access to education regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or sex characteristics (SOGIESC).
It is a human right to be who you are and love who you love. However, individuals who deviate from gender and sexuality norms often face extensive discrimination. In many places, being queer is not only criminalized but can also be life-threatening.
To create societies that respect and embrace diversity, we must start by transforming the education system. Through inclusive and safe learning environments and improved knowledge, we can promote positive attitudes and equal rights while providing individuals with the opportunity to fulfill their potential.
SAIH works towards making higher education inclusive for everyone. No one should experience discrimination or feel unsafe on campus or in an academic setting. To promote safe and inclusive learning environments, we advocate for enhancing the quality of teacher education, challenge discriminatory laws, and promote comprehensive sexuality education.
Stories from our work

Stories from our work
South Africa Adopts Law Against Hate Speech and Hate Crime
SAIH publishes reports annualy based on current topics we work with. Here you will find the latest relevant publications.
Un/knowing & un/doing sexuality & gender diversity (2020)

An Excluding Consensus (2019)