Centro de Estudios e Información de la Mujer Multiétnica - CDIMA
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CDIMA is an important voice for indigenous women's rights and participation in Bolivian society.
CDIMA has been an important voice for the rights of indigenous women and their participation in Bolivian society for more than 30 years. SAIH has worked with CDIMA since 1992. We support their work with vocational education and training in rights and leadership. Their work has great results. Several of the participants have reached important positions and ensure that CDIMA has influence at both local and national levels.
Our partners in Bolivia

Adesproc Libertad GLBT
La Asociación de Desarrollo Social y Promoción Cultural (Adesproc) works to strengthen the rights of LGBTIQ+ people in Bolivia and Latin America.

Centro de Estudios e Información de la Mujer Multiétnica - CDIMA
CDIMA is an important voice for indigenous women's rights and participation in Bolivian society.

Fe Y Alegría
Fe y Alegría works to ensure that marginalized groups and communities have access to public education.